Directors of the Capital One-New Beginnings Charter School Network discussed audit findings and mid-term testing results as they met Jan. 31 for the first time since October.

The meeting, scheduled for 5 p.m. began at 5:20 p.m. without a quorum.  The board did not reach a quorum until member Avione Pichon arrived at 5:28 p.m.

Member Tim Ryan announced the resignation of board member Rachel Kincaid effective immediately.

Chief Operations Officer Stephen Osborn presented generally positive audit findings. Four corrective measures were recommended and are being implemented, he said. The board accepted the audit.

Chief executive officer Vera Triplett invited each principal to report on his or her school:

-Tracy Guillory, principal of Gentilly Terrace Elementary, said he currently has 436 students. He said the school rewards   “A” and “B” honor roll students by taking them out to McDonald’s, using donated funds. “Our scores are not where we want them but we have improved,” he said with reference to ANet interim assessment scores.

-Michael Booker, principal of Lake Area New Tech Early College High School, said enrollment was at 601.  The school held a Mardi Gras safety session led by three officers from the New Orleans Police Department.  The high school was recently admitted to the Louisiana High School Athletic Association and will expand its sports program. Seniors at the school are required to apply to three colleges and many are receiving acceptance letters now, Booker said.

-Principal Deidra Denis-Bradley said enrollment at Medard H. Nelson Charter School is 461.  She said she was pleased with the way staff and students responded to a school lockdown and evacuation that followed a nearby shooting. No staff or students were injured. The Nelson band will march in six parades this month.

-Capdau Charter School currently enrolls 339 students, principal J’Vann Martin said, noting that the school “has made gains in ELA but is struggling in mathematics.” Capdau’s band also will be parading this month.  The school has partnered with nearby Warren Easton Charter High School to develop the program and was awarded a grant from the Tipitina’s Foundation to buy instruments.

Triplett released ANet interim assessment scores by grade and school. She said math scores are not rising in stride with language arts scores.  She said she has ordered staff to target lagging students on an individual basis to improve their math scores.  Triplett said principal evaluations begin next week.

She announced that the schools will be holding events where parents can fill out the Recovery School District’s enrollment application and turn it in on site.  She also explained the the state’s new transfer policy. Under the policy, students can no longer be withdrawn from a school without listing the school they will be transferring to.

The board considered a new agenda format suggested by the Lens.

The Top Chef fundraiser will be March 8. Money raised supports an endowment for college scholarships.

The board approved October’s meeting minutes and the evening’s agenda.

The meeting began at 5:28 p.m. and ended at 7:18 p.m.  Members Tim Ryan, Kim Bondy, Mark Boucree, Carla Major and Pichon were present.  Several network staff were present as was a reporter from The Lens.  The next board meeting is March 27.

Marta Jewson covers education in New Orleans for The Lens. She began her reporting career covering charter schools for The Lens and helped found the hyperlocal news site Mid-City Messenger. Jewson returned...