Are We Safer 10 Years After Katrina? That’s the question Lens environmental reporter Bob Marshall will ask Paul Kemp, a coastal oceanographer and geologist at Louisiana State University, at our Aug. 20 Breakfast with the Newsmakers.
As a board member of the Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authority-East, Kemp is well-positioned to discuss the security of our post-Katrina flood protection system and how important coastal restoration is to the future of New Orleans.
The involvement of civically engaged community members like you is crucial to the future of our coast and city. We encourage your questions. If you’d like to pose a question in advance, please email Anne Mueller by Aug. 19.
In the meantime, read about flood protection and coastal restoration:
Breakfast with the Newsmakers is a monthly business-social event that aims to engage The Lens’ audience with one another and with the people making news around New Orleans. Newsmakers events are open to the public. They are free to Lens members, with a $10 suggested donation for non-members.