On Oct. 16, Lens government accountability reporter Charles Maldonado will interview Court Watch NOLA’s executive director Brad Cousins at our monthly Breakfast with the Newsmakers event. This interview is part of multi-platform series we are working on that has goal of educating the public on the Nov. 4 elections, particularly the races for judgeships.
The discussion docket includes, but isn’t limited to, the following:
- Upcoming judicial elections and why people should care;
- Judicial efficiency, or lack thereof, and its effect on the whole system; and
- the most recent Court Watch NOLA report which was published this week.
Date: Thursday, Oct. 16
Time: 8 to 9 a.m. (doors open at 7:30 a.m.)
RSVP: Anne Mueller, amueller@TheLensNola.org
Location: Basin St. Station, 4th floor, 501 Basin St. at St. Louis Street
Parking: Available in the Basin St. Station parking lot adjacent to the facility. This map shows the location of the parking lot and adjacent access points.
We will be live streaming the event. The link will be published the day before the event.
Special thanks to our sponsors LCI Workers’ Comp and Basin St. Station.

Breakfast with the Newsmakers is a monthly business-social event that aims to engage The Lens’ audience with one another and with the people making news in and around New Orleans. Newsmakers events are open to the public. They are free to Lens members, with a $10 suggested donation for non-members.