Anthony Amato

International High School announced that Anthony Amato, former superintendent of New Orleans Public Schools, died Monday morning. Here is the full text of a press release from the school:

International High School of New Orleans Head of School Anthony Amato passed away early Monday morning, December 2, 2013. He was 66.

Amato served as Head of School at IHSNO since 2010, garnering national and international attention as the only prestigious InternationalBaccalaureate certified school in New Orleans. From 2003 to 2005, Amato was the superintendent for the Orleans Parish Schools and four other major school districts in the United States during his 40 year career in public education.

Chairman of the Voices for International Business and Education (IHSNO’s governing board) Rob Couhig III said “With heavy hearts, we announce the loss of our school leader, Anthony Amato. Tony passed away unexpectedly yet peacefully surrounded by his beloved family. The International High School and the entire education community is greatly indebted to Tony for his tireless and lifelong dedication to public education.”

Couhig announced that grief counselors have been brought into the school today for the faculty and IHSNO’s 500 students to help cope with their loss. Nan Ryan, Assistant Head of School, will be acting as Head of School at the Louisiana Type- 2 charter school until the Board meets in a special meeting later this week to choose Amato’s interim successor.

“While it will be difficult to fill his shoes, the VIBE board will continue its nationwide search for his permanent successor.  Tony’s presence will be missed but never forgotten. We appreciate the strong foundation that he has laid for the future of our school.” Couhig said.

Funeral arrangements for Amato are pending. He is survived by his wife and seven children.

5 replies on “Former schools chief Anthony Amato died Monday morning”

  1. Rob Couhig III (by the time you get to the 3rd, does it matter?) – “Chairman of the Voices for International Business and Education (IHSNO

  2. I guess he won’t get to enjoy all that money he pillaged from the Orleans Parish Public School System.

  3. IMO, that money was spent long ago. The following is a reprint of a blog on NOLA.COM today (12/03/13).
    Everyone is entitled to an opinion and the right to express it. While some may take issue with Ms. Hester’s expression of her opinion, perhaps out of respect for the deceased, it is my belief that Ms. Hester would have said what she is saying now to Mr. Anthony “Tony” Amato’s face. With all due respect, I find it hard to believe that Mr. Amato’s wife, seven children, and the rest of his family are reading these blogs. Mrs. Amato and the children are probably pondering where they will go next, and by what mean$. Mr. Amato brought his wife and children to New Orleans well after he felt secure in his position as NOPS superintendent. Who even knew about a wife and children in New York? Anyway, if it were not for the games being played at students’ expense by the State (BESE, LDOE), White Dobard and the RSD, and people like Leslie Jacobs, Tony would not have had a job (in Texas or anywhere else for that matter). The Board of Directors of the IHS, in a split vote, decided that Tony was out (I guess you could call that mutual), and that same board had decided to shell out $30,000 of public money to find a replacement (announced last month and reported in THE LENS). What I would like to know is why an RSD school (like the “D” IHS) is spending $30,000 to fill a middle-management position.The OPSB is not spending that amount to find a superintendent. I would also like to know why the average salary of CEOs in these charter schools and charter management organizations (CMOs) is around $200,000. Public education is NOT a private business that runs on the wishes and agendas of a privileged few. Somebody needs to pull the stopper on these individuals and groups and their lavish lifestyles at public expense….

  4. It’s not necesary for you to disrepect the man. It only makes you appear insensitive and stupid. I’m sure you dont want to appear that way.

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