The New Beginnings Schools Foundation board of directors elected new officials and said goodbye to a veteran member in a brief meeting capping off an hours-long orientation Saturday.

Nine-year board member Carla Major announced her resignation just after the board adjourned Saturday afternoon. Her name is listed among three founding members in the network’s articles of incorporation and her resignation follows that of several other long-serving members this year, including former chairman Tim Ryan who resigned his post in August.

Members elected Ramsey Green chairman. He was the sole nominee. Green formerly worked for the Recovery School District and now works as a real estate investor and consultant.

Sheila Danzey was elected vice chair and Don Wheat was elected treasurer.

The network’s high school, Lake Area New Tech Early College High School, is eligible to return to the authority of Orleans Parish School Board, which the New Beginnings board will discuss at its December meeting. All New Beginnings schools currently operate under the Recovery School District.

Though bylaws were listed on the agenda, members tabled that discussion until they could further review proposed changes.

The board also will add a parent member. This process will be conducted by a nominating committee, Green said. Members also decided to move their meetings to the third Monday of the month.

Green said this is the most optimistic about the board and its direction he’s been since joining in February.

Marta Jewson covers education in New Orleans for The Lens. She began her reporting career covering charter schools for The Lens and helped found the hyperlocal news site Mid-City Messenger. Jewson returned...

One reply on “Founding member resigns from New Beginnings”

  1. Would you say that most nonprofit charter boards fear having a parent (or parents) on their boards? I think so. And even though a parent will be added to the New Beginnings board, I believe the new addition will be thoroughly vetted (more so than any other board members have been) – up and down, this way and that way, left and right, in and out…to make sure they let the right one in. So, even though this move looks good on the surface, let’s see how it plays out.

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