
photo credit: “Mark Folse”:http://toulousestreet.wordpress.com/

…and all proceeds benefit the peace efforts of SilenceIsViolence and the Social Aid and Pleasure Club Task Force!

Please join us on Sunday, November 8 after the Saints game to celebrate community-based peace efforts at the beautiful new Rock-N-Bowl! Learn more about all current SilenceIsViolence programming, and sign up to volunteer for our projects and activities. Listen to what Shamarr Allen has achieved with the dozens of young people he has reached through SilenceIsViolence Music Clinics over the past 2 years. Bid on peace-focused auction items, dance to the Stooges Brass Band, and bowl for free with the price of entry.

Support peace in New Orleans. Your Peace Agent patron contribution of $50, or a Speak Up general admission ticket for $15, will go toward Music and Writing Clinics, the Victim Allies Project, Social Aid and Pleasure Club Peace Walks, and SilenceIsViolence Peace Clubs in the schools

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

2 replies on “Rock and Bowl”

  1. You know, just because you are richer and whiter than we are, doesn’t mean you can just go around calling for more cops like it doesn’t destroy our lives and get away with it.

    Silence is NOT Violence.
    POVERTY is violence.
    RACISM is violence.
    CAPITALISM is violence.
    WAR is violence.

    all THAT violence, which is the ROOT CAUSE of street crime violence, is perpetuated by the STATE, the people you are asking to hire more police, build more jails, prosecute more people, etc….

    Crime and violence will NEVER stop because people are born into the violent conditions i mentioned above every day. so we have to stop those conditions, in order to stop street crime level violence. You are all giving white people a bad name and dividing us from the people we should be uniting with. Many people in the black community don’t trust the police, and crap like this makes them not trust white people either.

    You all are ruining the city.
    And yes, my friend was murdered, so I know about how it feels, but I also am smart enough to realize that we have to solve the root causes to solve anything.


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