It is interesting that Congressman Cao led a tour of Charity today to illustrate the damage done to Charity by the storm.

I was watching the “NCDC meeting”: interested to see what would happen to these 2 properties which were on the agenda.

3728 S Claiborne

and this gem

3718 S Claiborne Ave.

Sale Date 22-JUN-07
Sale Price $40,000

Both of these properties are in terrible shape, but like my own home which flooded they are probably in a lot worse shape than they were In August of 2005. In fact I remember being told by my insurance company that if we didn’t do everything in our power to mitigate the damage we would be looking at a deeply reduced payout from our homeowners policy.

And both of these properties are owned by “Congressman Cao”: here we have bllght brought to you by our own Congressman. In a City struggling to recover and prosper the first rule of thumb should be, “first do no harm”.

So how is it that Mr Cao begs for more “FEMA money for Charity”: which he claims to have endured millions of dollars in damage, he can be foisting his own form of blight with his own properties on his constituents in Central City?

His plans for the site? A strip mall.

Any questions? “Contact his new Director of Communications”:

Karen Gadbois

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...