One of my favorite neighbors and community activist Herman Beasley had a stroke this weekend. He is in the ICU and responding well.
Take care Mr. Beasley..we miss you.
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One of my favorite neighbors and community activist Herman Beasley had a stroke this weekend. He is in the ICU and responding well.
Take care Mr. Beasley..we miss you.
Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led... More by Karen Gadbois
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What a wonderful picture Karen. Thanks for posting this!
This is how I plan to remember Mr. Beasley, healthy, vibrant, smiling and wearing a shirt that brags about how happy he is to be a grandpa. He will be sorely missed by many.
This is my wonderful father who I will surely miss. What a guy!! He was a great husband, grandpa, brother, friend and has mentioned above, a favorite neighbor of many. This picture portrays his true New Orleans nature: laid back and happy.
He was the father to my best friend (Tyrone) and like a father to me. He was stern in his opinions, He was strong willed and humorous. The charcter traits anyone who knew him grew to love.I know he will be missed by many, especially me.
He was the father to my best friend (Tyrone) and like a father to me. He was stern in his opinions. He was strong willed and humorous. The charcter traits anyone who knew him grew to love.I know he will be missed by many, especially me.
Today, I was honored and humbled to be in the presence of so many loving and caring people who held Mr. Beasley in the highest of regard. Thank you for allowing me the privelege to know him and for including me in the wonderful celebration of his life on earth and the life he will live forever. While I will miss him terribly, a few days ago, Ms. Martha said to me, I’ve loved him for 46 years but God is going to love him more.
He is truely loved forever and always.
My father was a wonderful guy! I will miss him dearly. Its just like a dream to me; I don’t believe he’s gone. My father meet no strangers. He is well known everywhere he goes; even heaven. Sleep on daddy; sleep on. Love you forever…..Rose Beasley
Our friend and neighbor Mr. Beasley was a one of kind personality. I don’t think that he ever met anyone who didn’t fall completely for his warmth and charm. Mr. Beasley was one of the first members of NorthWest Carrollton’s new organization. He came to our meetings even when we were meeting vagabonds. Anyone who knew him always hoped to be able to see him on his porch whenever we drove or walked by because a smile from Mr. Beasley was like getting a deposit in your personal happiness bank. We will miss him.
Our friend and neighbor Mr. Beasley was a one of kind personality. I don’t think that he ever met anyone who didn’t fall completely for his warmth and charm. Mr. Beasley was one of the first members of NorthWest Carrollton’s new organization. He came to our meetings even when we were meeting vagabonds. Anyone who knew him always hoped to be able to see him on his porch whenever we drove or walked by because a smile from Mr. Beasley was like getting a deposit in your personal happiness bank. We will miss him.
I’m my grandpa’s (Herman Beasley Jr.) 6th grandchild.Its hard to be with out my grandpa.I loved him all my life and I still do.Its like I had a big empty hole in my heart when I found out he died.My grandpa was the best grandpa a child can have.Children nor adults deny my that Herman was a great person.My grandpa touch peoples hearts even mine.Nobody can’t replace my grandpa.He always told me do right,get an education,and the most important he said I love you.I miss my grandpa he was the only grandpa I knew.
I can’t believe your grandfather is gone, and in some ways he isn’t. Just driving by the house and remembering his big wave from the porch lifts my heart a little.
And your Uncle’s description of your grandfather raising up on his toes when he was angry made me laugh because I have seen him do that a few times too.
I remember when my grandfather passed away, I would continue to see him when I did something he would approve of and then sometimes I would see him when I was dong something wrong.
I bet the memory of your grandfather will be a comfort and reminder to you as you continue to grow up and learn more lessons in life.
But you can know this now, you were fortunate to have such a wonderful grandpa, and you honor him with your memory of him.
My father lived his life the best way he could, and with the utmost respect for others. We were blessed with his presence and his wisdom. I will miss his smile and his humor. I thank God he was my dad.
I am Jerome Beasley’s wife. I remember my father-in-law in a very special way. I remember when I met him and he told me I can stay and send Jerome home. He treated me like a daughter the 1st time I met him. I loved him truly and will miss him.
My grandpa was the best grandpa I could ever ask for. He would do any and everything for me. He never hesistated to say “yes”. I remember the times when my sister Faichon and I would visit my grandparents every summer when we were little. Everytime we passed trees that did not have any leaves or broken limbs, he would always say, “bald-headed, nothing in it!” Until this day, I still do not know what that means, but if my grandpa said it, I guess it made sense. When the summertime was over, I would always go back to Killeen, Tx looking like a big butterball! When I started getting older, I would call my grandparents just to see how they were doing and he would always ask me how was school and if I was making good grades. Plus, he had this acronym, “the 3 B’s” (books before boys). If I did not follow that acronym, I was in trouble and he meant it too! It is like he never left my side. I feel like he is coming back from a vacation soon. I miss him so much and I know he is in a better place with my G-grandpa (my great grandpa). I love both of them to death! I pray that my grandpa would visit me again in my dreams soon. I cannot wait to see him again when it is my time to go.
~ Arieal Watson, Houston, Texas |