I took a trip today with “Maitri”:http://vatul.net/blog/, “Jacob”:http://opensoundneworleans.com/ and “Ariella”:http://www.neworleanscitybusiness.com/viewFeature.cfm?recid=1167 down to the “United Houma Nation”:http://www.unitedhoumanation.org/?q=node/74. The team from the “Beacons of Hope”:http://www.lakewoodbeacon.org/?page=volunteer went down in their truck to UHN Headquarters.


I encourage anyone who see’s the Wetlands as a major issue to take a ride down and see what we are losing.

Isle De Jean Charles

Because when people say we are losing a “football field a day”:http://johnmbarry.com/bio.htm it makes you think of some vast space that does not include people, but that is not the case. This was a front yard last week.

Isle De Jean Charles

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

14 replies on “Gustav”

  1. Did you listen to the mayor’s Friday press conference? I heard it on my back into town and thought the bastard was using Gustav to cover up for NOAH. I can’t find a link and can’t remember the number of houses that he mentioned, but he said something about houses that collapsed because of Gustav and some number that would have to be demolished immediately because they were imminent threats. I wonder what lists those houses were, or weren’t, on.

  2. I have been trying to get the list of Gustav houses. No luck yet.

    I am sure that C. Ray thinks the NOAH issue will go away after he has manned this ship for this evacuation. That is just his style.

  3. The city issued 28 permits on Sept 4, 2008, all for Imminent Danger of Collapse properties. There’s only 27 actual properties; they issued two permits on a single property.

    08BLD-06513, 2251 N Prieur, NCDC-eligible
    Note: city already issued demolition permit 08BLD-06321 on this address to DRC for federally-reimbursible demolition on August 21, 2008

    08BLD-06514, 3836 4th, NCDC-eligible
    08BLD-06515, 4542 America
    08BLD-06516, 4850 America
    08BLD-06517, 4825 Laine
    08BLD-06518, 2924 3rd, NCDC-eligible (duplicate permit entered as 08BLD-06526)

    08BLD-06519, 3709 N Claiborne, NCDC-eligible
    Note: city already issued demolition permit 08BLD-02479 on this address to DRC for federally-reimbursible demolition on April 3, 2008

    08BLD-06520, 1502 Lesseps, NCDC-eligible
    08BLD-06521, 3612 Catherine
    08BLD-06522, 3608 Catherine
    08BLD-06523, 7152 Crowder
    08BLD-06524, 3614 Washington, NCDC-eligible
    08BLD-06525, 3823 4th, NCDC-eligible
    08BLD-06526, 2924 3rd, NCDC-eligible (duplicate permit entered as 08BLD-06518)

    08BLD-06527, 2718 S Miro, NCDC-eligible
    08BLD-06528, 4563 Dale
    08BLD-06529, 2723 S Roman, NCDC-eligible
    08BLD-06530, 2721 S Roman, NCDC-eligible
    08BLD-06531, 3304 Toledano, NCDC-eligible
    08BLD-06532, 8502 Chef Menteur
    08BLD-06533, 2813 2nd, NCDC-eligible
    08BLD-06534, 3728 Toledano, NCDC-eligible
    08BLD-06535, 3023 1st, NCDC-eligible
    08BLD-06536, 2669 Jonquil
    08COM-01410, 4001 Reynes
    (It’s not at all clear where this is)

    08COM-01411, 7250 Chef Menteur
    08COM-01412, 7300 Chef Menteur
    08COM-01413, 7716 Chef Menteur

  4. Sad to say, but these people need Brad Pitt. Or at least the architect who designed the floating house for his project and brought it in at roughly 150g. Things are not going to get better there for a while.

  5. It is nice to see Houma getting noticed. All the stories have been New Orleans but nothing is getting reported about the people in Houma where the Red Cross has finally shown up after a week.

  6. Since moving to New Orleans last November, I’ve been following Squandered Heritage. Thanks for all you do.

    Someone gave me one of those blog awards that I thought you deserved more than me. It’s over on my blog if you would like to see it.

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