The Mayor has a choice here, he can engage or he can disengage. The Citizens of this City have steadily pushed this Recovery forward. For all the bombastic noises coming from The Mayor’s Office and Our Recovery Office those of us are most actively engaged know who has done the heavy lifting for no compensation other than the rebirth of the City we love.
“The Gambit sums it up”:http://www.bestofneworleans.com/dispatch/2008-07-29/commentary.php
Sarah, Karen, and everyone else who helped,
You should be commended for your actions. This is the kind of work that puts everyone on notice that we need to things the right way.
Thank You!
Thank you ladies for your tireless work. Without you New Orleans would be in much worse straits. Keep on keeping on.
So there was a pot of $ 3.2 +/- million in this program. What is wrong with these people that they did not try and help EVERY SINGLE PERSON that was wligible for this FEDERAL, FREE money. They were only able to spend under 60% and do it so sloppily that all kinds of red flags pop up.
The failure in outreach was an effort for invisibility so that there would not be a need for transparency. FUBAR’d logic.
Wow. One amazing thing about the aftermath of Katrina is that a paper like Gambit actually questions the corruption and ineptitude of the city government. In My entire life in New Orleans I don’t think I ever read more than two pieces of investigative journalism in the local press.
The mayor thinks he can deflect by moving Anthony Jones to a different position in city government. For mismanagement alone, if that is what Nagin wants to claim, he needs to resign ASAP. Nagin is hurting our recovery.
Your picture says it all.