“This report grew out of the Mayors admonishment that investigating NOAH was hurting the recovery”:http://www.wwltv.com/topstories/stories/wwl072808tpzurik2.110ee49b.html

With further scrutiny the questions continue to pile up.
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“This report grew out of the Mayors admonishment that investigating NOAH was hurting the recovery”:http://www.wwltv.com/topstories/stories/wwl072808tpzurik2.110ee49b.html
With further scrutiny the questions continue to pile up.
Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led... More by Karen Gadbois
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I just caught the big meeting on public access. First of all, Sarah, you are my hero! You were so deadpan, and persistent, and factual, it was stunning. I was cheering you from my living room in the middle of the night, and I hope to toast you in person soon! Thank you for your vigilance and care. Thank you of course to Karen too. You Ladies are on the front lines of busting the whole system of the ‘old ways’ wide open. Jewels will spill forth for the rest of the city when the beast explodes, the resources we need to be viable.
Also, I really enjoyed the exchanges between Stacy and Shelley and Jackie. I loved when Stacy said ‘don’t speak for me’ and when Shelley bemoaned that no-one is ever held accountable. It was so, so true. I enjoyed watching Jackie find her way between the old way of softening everything, making it impersonal, and meeting the challenge laid down by her junior members whom she clearly must support or else risk mutiny and finding herself on the wrong side of investigations and public opinion. Jackie said it was her first opportunity to get the matter on an appropriate agenda so it will be very interesting to watch it play out from here. I hope Jackie rises to the challenges with vigor and stops apologizing if anyone gets offended. If they’ve done wrong, they deserve what they get.
I have been so dismayed on many levels that after katrina the same corruptions happened, starving so many for whom resources were intended for. The only way I could live with seeing the city in the condition it’s in, (which in some places is like this horrible thing happened and it’s like it was before but worse) is the hope that now, with the whole world watching, the bastards will get caught. A’la Abu Ghraib, via digital cameras. The do-badders underestimate the technological age. They are going down. It is the last hurrah of the good old boys, as heralded by Squandered Heritage.
I am so thankful for you and your diligence.