The Irish Channel is located below the Garden District near the river. It did not flood.

*Irish peasants fleeing the potato famine in the 1840s and 1850s debarked at Adele Street and were channeled from there to the rest of the country.*

For more information on this “Neighborhood”:

Just recieved the latest agenda for the HDLC, the meeting is set for 9:30 a.m., Friday, Oct. 13, 2006 City Council Chambers

I noticed that there were a number of Citations to be issued for Demolition by Neglect.

They are as follows:

*1027 9th Street*

This house is one house away from Magazine Street.

1027 9th Street

*608 Sixth Street*

This very small house looks adandoned.

608 Sixth Street

*2131 Chippewa Street*

This is located acroos from a School and a Church.

2131 Chippewa

*The types of deficiencies identified as “Demolition by Neglect” include any structural deficiency or a deficiency in a building part which left unrepaired could lead to deterioration of the building’s structural frame. A building is also identified as “Demolition by Neglect” if it is open to entry by vandals or vagrants*.

For more on the “HDLC”:

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...