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Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Latest score: Demolitions 20, Rebuilds 8

I’ve just analyzed the latest release of demolition applications presented by the Preservation Resource Center. They pertain only to Orleans Parish. The results: *Demolition applications by structure type*: Shotgun double: 12 Shotgun single: 3 Single-family: 5 Total demolition requests = 20 *Replacement plans*: Shotgun: 0 Single-family: 6 Double: 1 Multifamily: 1 Total replacement homes planned […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

426 – 28 S.Solomon Street Mid City

*UPDATE* September 11 426-28 S. Solomon – Jesuit wants to put a parking lot there. Their request was denied since this is a residential block. Before I talk about this house I would like to share some “research”: on “vacant”: lots. There is always the assumption that a School is a “Good”: Neighbor. A “clean”: […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Holy Cross

Please read “Richard Layman’s”: piece about the “Global Green”: Competition in Holy Cross. I hope that the issues of the future will be addressed in the rebuilding, but if we do not embrace the past the structures will fail.

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

San Antonio Sunday Paper

There was a great article in the Sunday edition of the “San Antonio newspaper.”: A few weeks ago Roy Bragg was here and we met up at the rally in the “Quarter.”: He also spoke with Bart Everson of Mid City. “Bart and his wife Christy”: have been hard at work on their house and […]