This house is on the Demolition List. To be removed from this list call Winston Reid at City Hall.
2408 Palmyra
This house is on the Imminent Danger List To get off this list please contact Winston Reid in Code Enforcement, at City Hall.
Demo du Jour: 1018 St. Charles Avenue Moise Goldstein Bank Building
One lost one returns to commerce: New Orleans Magazine article on the American National Bank Building. A notable Moise Goldstein structure is revived.
Imminent Threat Demolition: Ordinance Changes
Demo Ordinance Revisions Recommendations List Today many Citizens concerned with this issue of the City’s Imminent Threat Demolition List appeared in Chambers to see that the old ordinance was updated to address the chaotic situation on the ground. The Squandered Heritage team and the Preservation Resource Center and the local representatives from the National Trust […]
City of New Orleans Imminent Danger List
This week the mass media and local media have helped us illuminate this issue of unsolicited demolitions: Dangerblond has posted the WSJ Front Page Story Here: Wall Street Journal . It must be said that local freelance radio reporter, Eve Troeh, captured this story first, way back in Maarch of this year for a piece […]
2314-16 Cleveland St City of New Orleans Imminent Threat
To be removed from the list Call City Hall 658-4300. Please ask for Mr. Norris Butler. If you are unable to speak with Mr. Butler, please call 504-606-6013 for advocacy assistance.
2101 Arts St. City of NO Imminent Danger List
City of NO Imminent Danger List To request your home be removed from the Cityâ??s Imminent Threat Demolition List Contact : Winston Reid, Department of Code Enforcement, Phone: 915- 0092
2112 N. Dorgenois St. City of NO Imminent Danger List
City of New Orlean Imminent Danger List To be removed from the list Call City Hall 658-4300. Please ask for Mr. Norris Butler. If you are unable to speak with Mr. Butler, please call 504-606-6013 for advocacy assistance.
2085 N. Dorgenois St. City of NO Imminent Danger List
This house is on the City of New Orleans Imminent Danger List. To be removed from the list Call City Hall 658-4300. Please ask for Mr. Norris Butler. If you are unable to speak with Mr. Butler. Please call 504-606-6013 for advocacy assistance. This poor little house has suffered abuse. It has a happy soul […]
2026-28 Music Street, City of NO Imminent Danger List
To request your home be removed from the City’s Imminent Threat Demolition List Contact : Winston Reid, Department of Code Enforcement, Phone: 915- 0092