While we await the fate of many other schools, Lockett has met it’s fate. And today Let’s see what becomes of this site with the release of the Master Plan.
Everything New is Old again…
Heritage is not just defined by a prescribed number of years. There are Modern Masterpieces. Sadly some of which we have lost, with callousness and arrogance.. And then there are those which are threatened. “Come meet fellow architectural enthusiasts”:http://www.regional-modernism.com/2008/06/docomomo-new-orleans_25.html and see what can be done and needs to be done.
Open Letter To Mayor Nagin and City Council
Open Letter To Mayor Nagin and City Council Dear Friend, We need your help. The Lower Mid City Residents and Business Owners Affected by the LSU/VA Hospitals is asking for support from all New Orleanians who are concerned about democratic process, citizen input into decision making about the future of our City, and preservation of […]
It seems that half of New Orleans is at the Supermarket on a Sunday. I ran into Gayle, at the market today. I had just read her “letter to the editor”:www.nola.com/news/t-p/letterstoeditor/index.ssf?/base/news-11/1214112025180380.xml&coll=1 A lot of the people impacted by this “decision” feel that they have not been given a chance to weigh in on the effects […]
LSU VA Public meetings
US Department of Veterans Affairs, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, and the State of Louisiana (State) announce VA Medical Center (VAMC) and Medical Center of Louisiana at New Orleans (MCLNO) Site Selection Public Informational Meetings Meeting Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008 Location: Grace Episcopal Church, 3700 Canal St, New Orleans, LA 70119 Time: 1:00 p.m. […]
"started getting disconnected…"
Detroit.. Hip Hop and planning..who knew? “If the people are involved you will get quality development.” hat tip Alan Page D.C. returning New Orleanian
Lockett School
In the process of being demolished There is a lot of history being lost in New Orleans, Johnson Lockett is the School that “Ruby Bridges”:http://www.pbs.org/wnet/aaworld/history/spotlight_september.html attended before the integration of Frantz. Generations of “Ruby Bridges” were educated at this school, as well as serving as a Neighborhood institution. Watching the destruction of this historical landmark […]
NCDC {formerly the HCDRC}
June 16 2008 agenda “click here”:http://www.squanderedheritage.com/ncdc-formerly-the-hcdrc/
Atlantic Monthly
Does anyone here in New Orleans look beyond the leafy enclaves of Uptown? Did anyone think to meet with people who were on the ground looking at the failed promises of Hope VI? The answer is no, and the results will be ours to live with for many many years to come. Has anyone wondered […]