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Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Jesuit: Bringing Down the House{es}

In late 2006 Jesuit applied to demolish 3 houses on S Solomon and Banks. I wrote about those demolitions at the time. “link”: And this one which they used as an office. Eventually they were granted permission to demolish these homes but were told they needed to present a plan to create a parking lot […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

char·i·ty …* 1 : benevolent goodwill toward or love of humanity

“We are now treating medicine as an industrial product.” Listening to this “podcast”: that line stuck out as just a pretty apt definition of what is wrong with our attitude towards the LSU/VA hospital. The lack of planning and transparency is on a par with the lack of transparency when it comes to health care. […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Where were you?

These Anniversary days seem to not get easier. Reading the piece in the “NYT”: about Memorial Hospital about the difficult, tragic, heartbreaking decisions made there only served to remind me of how fragile we humans are. Here I am sometime in 2006, trying to figure out how to put all the pieces back together. “Mark”: […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Health Care Town Hall in Reserve…

I guess she wants to go off the reservation. “link”: It seems odd that the “Krewe of Truth”: is promoting this obvious attempt to discredit the “public option”: making it sound like it is just a couple of happy go lucky guys looking for the truth. Maybe they wouldn’t be so happy go lucky if […]