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Posted inGovernment & Politics

My Fake Life

Last week The Lens did a series of reports on the state of housing here in New Orleans. Thinking about the questions raised by the research highlighted in our reports, I decided to take a deeper look at the day-to-day, paycheck-to-paycheck reality of the population know in housing lingo as “the workforce”  Specifically, I wanted […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

The Lens

For the last year “Ariella Cohen”: and I have been working on the creation of a new investigative news site. The name, the design, the funding, the staff, the office, the endless meetings, the brick walls and the open doors, it all came together. We eventually were able to bring on “Brentin Mock”: to work […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

The Public Cost of Eviction

The tenant skipped out before the end of the month. New Orleans landlord Donald Vallee wasn’t too surprised. He’d seen it before — and in post-Katrina, recession-era New Orleans, he’d seen it quite frequently. This time around, the tenant left behind a $643 per-month three-bedroom, 1,400-square-foot townhouse in eastern New Orleans. “It was a reasonable […]