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Posted inGovernment & Politics

Forgiveness as policy

As Haiti struggles to pull itself together, French finance minister Christine Lagarde is pushing to expedite a cancellation of hundreds of millions of dollars in Haitian government debt. Haitian historian Alex von Tunzelmann said, “For all of the 19th century and most of the 20th century, Haiti was unable to develop normally” because of crushing debt. […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

Supreme Court ruling permits more direct corporate influence on elections

The Supreme Court on Thursday struck down decades of campaign finance law in a controversial 5-4 decision. Ruling that Congress cannot limit the political speech of corporations and labor unions, the Court overturned precedents established by prior courts in 1990 and 2007. The decision renders moot many of the laws governing outside spending established by […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

Will Nagin steamroll City Council on disaster recovery spending?

Whether or not you’ve been following the insider chatter about the lack of oversight of Disaster Community Development Block Grant money, Ariella Cohen’s piece at The Lens and with WVUE is a must read. The Nagin administration has chosen to put the disaster-recovery money in the operating budget, essentially giving the council less control over […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

Troy Henry at Enron

Mayoral hopeful Troy Henry has stressed his executive experience to differentiate himself from his rivals. Indeed, Troy Henry has spent his career climbing the ranks in the private sector. He spent more than a decade at IBM before joining Enron, where he was promoted to vice president of Enron Energy Services in January 2001. Enron […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Investigations, Schools

Nagin administration moving millions in recovery money without public input

By Ariella Cohen, staff writer — In the months after Hurricane Katrina, traumatized New Orleanians turned out in droves to discuss the fate of their neighborhoods. They gave hours of their time with the understanding that their input would guide the rebuilding of their city – and help secure the federal disaster grants needed to […]