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Posted inGovernment & Politics

Congressman Cao still a ‘no,’ vote hinges on abortion flap

In November, U.S. Rep. Ahn “Joseph” Cao, who represents most of New Orleans, bucked his party and was the lone Republican vote for the House of Representatives version of the healthcare bill, after aligning himself with anti-abortion Democrats. Negotiated by Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., the “Stupak amendment” was restrictive enough to allay the concerns of […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

“Balance this city”

Oh! Another day, another shameful story of institutional and individual police terror and racism in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Sunday, The Times-Picayune added new details to the mysterious death of Henry Glover, whose remains were founded in a burned car last seen being driven by New Orleans police officers. Meanwhile, The Advocate in Baton […]