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Posted inEnvironment

Waiting is the easy part

The geyser of oil resulting from the Deepwater Horizon offshore platform explosion continues to dump hundreds of thousands of gallons of crude into the Gulf of Mexico each day. Oil giant BP, which leased the platform and is responsible for stopping the leak and cleaning up the spill, has been unable to activate the blowout […]

Posted inCriminal Justice

Ronald Davis or Ronal Serpas

Today, Mayor-elect Mitch Landrieu announced that he had whittled down his choices for next NOPD superintendent to two but did not name them. A source with knowledge of the interview process has told The Lens that the two are current Nashville chief and former NOPD Deputy Ronal Serpas and current East Palo Alto top cop […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics, Land Use

Committee advances bill to increase budget oversight of state housing largesse

A bill to increase legislative oversight of the Louisiana Housing Finance Agency cleared a committee this week, coming out stronger than when it went in. House Bill 1414, filed by Speaker Jim Tucker, D-Algiers, intially required that a legislative committee simply review the agency’s annual budget. The bill now requires approval of the Joint Legislative […]

Posted inGovernment & Politics

Confronting the big issues in Baton Rouge (eye roll)

LaBruzzo’s true intentions revealed State Rep. John LaBruzzo’s proposal to randomly drug test welfare recipients passed the House Wednesday evening by a 61-27 margin. It now faces scrutiny in the Senate. LaBruzzo, R-Metairie, stripped his proposal to “prioritize” the testing of pregnant women, which, though problematic for its own reasons, at least allowed LaBruzzo the […]