Delaney Dryfoos on St. John Parish’s President cutting off advocate Joy Banner during public comment. Now, she’s suing for the violation of her First Amendment rights. A judge again barred the parish from changing the zoning on the Greenfield Property.
Public outcry against carbon capture in Louisiana growing
Some activists worry that the daytime state task force hearings in Baton Rouge on the issue are missing important voices from affected Black communities
Mississippi River and its mayors step onto international climate stage, at COP28
Using federal data on the damage costs of natural disasters, the coalition of mayors, reports a $246 billion loss throughout the Mississippi River basin in less than two decades.
Behind The Lens episode 223: ‘History and art everywhere you look’
Nick Chrastil and La’Shance Perry on the NOPD’s plans to use drones which concerns privacy advocates. Some of the city’s iconic crescent and star water meter covers are being replaced by generic looking lids to make way for “smart meters” which could, if they work properly, help resolve the agency’s notorious inflated bills.
St. John Parish sued for shutting down critic, told not to rezone controversial site
In the same week, a judge again barred the parish from making the Greenfield Property industrial. And parish-council critic Joy Banner filed a First Amendment lawsuit.
Judging a block by its covers
THIS WEEK, a Sewerage and Water Board of New Orleans contractor in a neon-green vest quietly made his way through a block of Mid-City, lifting the round metal disks out of front sidewalks and yards to install new “smart” water meters. But as he left, one thing was missing: the water-meter covers embossed with a […]
Behind The Lens episode 222: ‘A safe space’
The OPSB voted to close the Living School at an emotional December board meeting and the Buttermilk Drop scrambled to pay bills after its Uber Eats account was hacked.
Living School mom asks school board: ‘What’s more important, test scores or actual students?’
At the Living School, 16-year-old Jameson Phillips finally brought himself up to grade level. “It’s the first time in his life that he’s not behind in school,” said his grandmother, Shawn Bazile, who took in Jameson a few years ago. The key, she believes, has been the school’s small size and dedication to one-on-one attention […]
Bakery Scraped By With Crumbs Because of Uber Eats Hacker
The Buttermilk Drop does more morning business than nearly anyone else on the city’s Uber Eats, its owners say. People hit the order button nonstop every morning, buying boxes of the bakery’s signature pastry, the Buttermilk Drop, and bigger breakfasts: shrimp and grits, omelets, breakfast rice with sausage and eggs, breakfast sandwiches, fried chicken, pancakes, […]
NOPD: Drones just ‘body-worn cameras in the sky’
At a meeting, community members raise questions about the police department’s newest surveillance technology.