Today marks the first day of our Spring fundraising campaign and we need your support!
Give today and for every dollar you give, our longtime funder Ethics and Excellence in Journalism will give us a dollar. That means, if we raise $15,000 they will give us $15,000!
Your donation today will help us reach our goal. Make a gift to support the reporting you’ve come to depend on.
May 1
It’s GiveNOLA Day! Make a donation from midnight until 11:59 p.m. to support our important work.
May 2
Open Records workshop: Join us to learn how to find public records related to land use and see how your support helps educate and inform our community.
May 2 to May 15
Our Spring campaign continues! Show your support for independent, public-interest journalism.
Questions? Contact Anne Mueller at amueller@TheLensNola.org.