The Mississippi River is at flood stage and is expected to stay at this level for several days. But what does that mean? Why isn’t there any flooding? How much does it help to open the Bonnet Carre Spillway?
Get the answers to these questions right from the source Thursday at The Lens’ Breakfast with the Newsmakers event. Mike Park, Chief of Operations Division at the Army Corps of Engineers, will be our guest. His division handles navigation and operation of flood-control structures, as well as navigation on the river. Previously, he led Task Force Hope, the effort that oversaw the post-Katrina levee rebuilding program.
Location:Basin St. Station, 4th floor, 501 Basin St. at St. Louis Street
Parking: Complimentary parking is available with a dashboard parking pass that is distributed by a Basin St. Station staff member who will be standing in front of the building the morning of the breakfast. This map shows the location of the parking lot and access points.
Breakfast with the Newsmakers is a monthly business-social event that aims to engage The Lens’ audience with one another and with the people making news around New Orleans. Newsmakers events are open to the public. They are free to Lens members, with a $10 suggested donation for non-members.