Finances are in good order at schools managed by the Crescent City charter group, with surplus funds that can be rolled over into next year’s budgets.
That was the gist of a report by treasurer Doug Harrell at the board’s monthly meeting, May 28.
Harrell describe the management group’s finances as “sound.” Each of its three schools — Akili Academy, Paul Habans Charter and Harriet Tubman Charter — anticipates a net operating income of at least $500,000 and has $400,000 in available cash.
GiveNOLA day, the May 6 citywide drive in support of area nonprofits, yielded $10,000, the board learned. The money will be divided among the three schools.
Five board members were present for a meeting that began shortly after 6 p.m. — board president J.P. Hymel, secretary Bob Stefani, treasurer Harrell, and board members Anna Burrell and Julius Kimbrough Jr. Absent were members Frank Rabalais, Carolyn Chandler, Aimee Eubanks-Davis, and Tiffany Robbins.
Former board member Tim Bryant, president of the Fair Grounds, resigned in May due to time constraints, Hymel said.
After a half-hour, the board repaired to an executive session to discuss personnel matters, as permitted under the state’s public meetings law.
Besides a reporter for The Lens, the only member of the public at the meeting was former city councilwoman Peggy Wilson. She did not address the board.
The board’s next meeting will be Wednesday, June 18, at Akili Academy.