Without enough members present to reach a quorum, the board of Edgar P. Harney Spirit of Excellence Academy met briefly Monday night to discuss teacher evaluations and space issues at the school.

Principal Eileen Williams said that the school is working on an on-going teacher evaluation project comprised of fall and spring observations and student test scores. The fall evaluations found four teachers “ineffective,” including one new hire, she said.

Teachers much receive three consecutive positive reviews before they can be considered for tenure at the school.

Williams also discussed the possibility of adding modular classrooms as the school grows. Classes like art and music could be held in the extra space, freeing classroom space in the main building for the additional seventh and eighth grade classes — classes that are included in the school’s charter but not currently enrolled.

The lack of quorum, caused in part by a traffic accident near the school, meant no votes were taken at the meeting.

Only three of seven board members were present: Charles Southall III, Ashton Ryan and Jesse Hills, Jr. The meeting was scheduled for 6 p.m., but those gathered didn’t begin discussions until 6:40 p.m.

2 replies on “Teacher evaluations in full swing at Harney”

  1. Hello Harney! Hey Lee, what are the principal’s credentials? I haven’t looked but am curious. Tenure?!! Wat dat? Does the board know wat dat word mean?

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