Today’s press conference at the site of the Lafitte Public Housing project was filled with many elected officials and MC’d by Wayne Woods from HANO.

No mention was made of Dwayne Muhammad the Director of the Voucher program at HANO who is now “on leave” for allegedly using the voucher program to pay his own rent. “Link to the WWL story”:

God was not in attendance but was mentioned too many times to count. The tent under which the press event was held felt more like a revival than an information session.

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

2 replies on “And I thought the devil was in the details…”

  1. really—all the invocations and compulsory standing reverentially at public meetings in New Orleans amounts to a form of intimidation. City Council meetings are the worst—a long prayer followed by a deafening recording of the Star Spangled Banner accompanying a video of a very idealized New Orleans.

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