I saw Dr. John a few weeks ago at a community meeting about the reopening of Charity.

Dr John

Not my best photo but there he was sitting quietly in a pew listening to the speakers.

Today this ad was released.

Picture 4

Looks like there is more than one Doctor that would like to see Charity open.

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

16 replies on “In word and deed”

  1. Saw him at MoM’s this year.

    I agree, open Charity, bloody hell – open the VA too, but it’s all about money, LSU and politics as usual….sigh…

  2. Too bad VERY few REAL doctors want to go back to 3rd world health care conditions.

    Get a life and stop opposing progress in New Orleans.

    I am utterly surprised. Flabbergasted that there are people in New Orleans who oppose the hospital. People like you are why we’re behind and sinking quick.

  3. Oh, the fact that you had to get someone like Dr. John, one who has no experience in health care providing, to be your spokesperson for this inane, backwards idea speaks volumes.

  4. How about I’ll get a life if you promise to stop opposing the new hospital?

    Want to conduct a poll of health care providers in New Orleans to see if they think Charity is a suitable hospital for the 21st Century?

    Your attachment to the past borders on the pathological.

    SaveCharity’s website is a joke. I read the papers on comparing Charity to Houston, Birmingham, etc which all have renovated old facilities. What a breach of truth. Yeah, they have old facilities, but they are NOT where patients are cared for. Most of them are for basic research and filing.

    The preservationists are threatening New Orleans’ future vitality, both literally and economically.

  5. I have nothing to do with the Save Charity website. And if the limited posting here is enough to stop LSU then they are not that mighty.

    Honestly dumping the lack of progress on preservationists is pretty comical.

  6. The preservationists are collecting money to pay lawyers to block the hospital through a series of frivolous lawsuits. I know that because I have been told by preservationists who think I am sympathetic to their damaging cause.

  7. Wow, you can trace an IP address. You are some sleuth! Decent webmasters, ones who have integrity, usually don’t reveal that sort of information.

    Then again, you support renovating a hospital that would make hospitals in Cuba look good.

  8. Then again decent people don’t hide behind an anonymous comments or deceive people into thinking they believe one thing when they believe another.

    You want to support a new hospital? Stop trolling and go out and make it happen.

  9. You have no problem with anonymous comments. I’ve read your site. You have problems with anonymous comments that disagree with your point of view.

  10. @ Me:

    If this project is so wonderful, why all the secrecy? Why not have broad public forums about it so that people can ask questions and get straight answers?

    Really, if the plans are as sound as the proponents keep insisting, then they ought to be able to stand up to public scrutiny.

  11. Me,

    You are horribly uninformed.

    To suggest that restoring medical care to Charity would “make the hospitals in Cuba look good” is one of the more laughable things you could have said.

    The Cuban healthcare system is actually known for providing as healthy a population as any industrialized nation in the world at a fraction of the cost.

    We would be lucky to have healthcare like Cuba’s in New Orleans.

    It shouldn’t be that way. We should have decent quality healthcare for all New Orleanians, regardless of ability to pay. That’s what Charity did and that’s what Charity will do again.

    Besides, to suggest that building AN ENTIRELY BRAND NEW HOSPITAL FACILITY inside the old Charity facade would be “3rd world quality” or something unappealing to care providers is just plain silly.

    LSU has the legal go ahead to proceed. If all of those that oppose the LSU/VA Taj-Mahospital were to magically disappear tomorrow, as I’m sure you’d like us to do, LSU would not be able to proceed with construction.


    They are several hundred million dollars short. They got there all by themselves. Now the VA has also admitted that they too will require another appropriation of at least $200 million.

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