2100 Block Iberville

3 “creole cottages”:http://bywater.org/Arch/Creole.htm sit on the corner of “Iberville and N.Galvez”:http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=2100+Iberville+New+Orleans&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=34.176059,80.947266&ie=UTF8&ll=29.961906,-90.080788&spn=0.009128,0.019763&z=16&iwloc=addr remarkably close to the proposed LSU/VA site.

A year or so ago there were 4 early one morning I received a call from a neighbor reporting the demolition illegally executed without the proper permits. And at various times over the past year the owner has attempted to demolish the remaining properties.

Most recently he has appealed a denial to City Council for permission to demolish and has some concern that the City is trying to take the property using “Code Enforcement.”:https://services.cityofno.com/pg-147-23.aspx as the tool of choice. Looking at the map I can see that this strip of houses is close to the proposed LSU/VA project and some funds have been set aside for this area after the complexes are built. Those funds could be used as an incentive to locate support services and housing for employees of the center.

This interesting case shows not just the effect of the massive LSU/VA project on the immediate area but the stresses it radiates out to the “immediate and adjacent neighborhoods.”:http://www.preservationnation.org/travel-and-sites/sites/southern-region/charity-hospital-neighborhood.html

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

One reply on “Creole Cottages”

  1. These are the same properties where at least three women were raped over the last year and a half. Tear’em down and start anew.

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