Public meeting..not so much

I guess the answer would be “when they say so”:

So while Governor Jindal “met” with “President Elect Obama”: the public was refused entrance to a public meeting.

It never ceases to amaze me that the public can be held in such disregard. What are they trying to hide?


Access to a pubic meeting of state legislators was denied to the media and preservationists today. The move appears to violate Louisiana’s public meetings law. Tuesday’s tour had been advertised as a public meeting of a legislative health care subcommittee.

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

4 replies on “When is a public meeting not public?”

  1. If it was truly a public meeting then you should let the ACLU know. It’s a LA law that says any public board must be open where it conducts public business or makes public decisions.

  2. The very first “public” meeting regarding this project is also likely to have violated public meetings law.

    At the meeting held at the LSUHSC on Thursday, November 29, 2007 (one day after news of the land deal broke in the morning paper), the moderator attempted to refuse to identify himself for the public record. Numerous audience members who inquired about transcripts were told on the record that none would be available. This was a public meeting, hosted by a state agency. Why is there no transcript? The entire meeting and public comment session that followed were videotaped by an official but unidentified cameraman. Isn’t that video also a public record?

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