It’s in my hood. It’s been unused since the early Nineties. There’s a big project coming that will save most of the church. The trade-off is that we had to accept enough condos so that they could afford to save the church walls and bell tower.

“the above comment was left on another blog in August of 2006”:

They took great pains in deconstructing the Church.

Valance Street Church deconstruction

But it looks like that is as far as they got in the plans.

Valence St Church

The photos of the deconstruction were taken a year and a half ago. With the economy tanking there is no telling when this will be started nevermind finished.

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

One reply on “The vacant lot collection”

  1. This church was next to my great-grandfathers house where some of my family members still live. I haven’t been to NO since pre-Katrina. Three of the Neville (Aaron, etc) family homes are also on Valence St.

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