While I am out shooting photographs for the next agenda. My husband is getting ready for the “Po Boy Fest”:http://www.poboyfest.com/

He designed the poster

Jon Schooler poster

“Come visit him in his studio”:http://www.jonschooler.com/jscontact.html I may be there too.

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

3 replies on “Po Boy Festival”

  1. Squandered Heritage My Ass!
    That is the prettiest poster I have seen in a looooong time! And, that is saying something with Nola posters. Really. Beautiful.

    Squander you not, Valiant Beotchwolf!


  2. Screwed this up for the second year in a row. Out until 4:00 AM on Saturday night. Had to spend all day Sunday recovering. Po-Boy Fest is the most elusive event in New Orleans for me.

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