This property in Central City was on the last NCDC demolition agenda.

2401 Danneel

a day later I received this announcement
Unified Indian Practice
The Pinettes (All Female) Brass Band to kick things off.

Come out, help us to preserve our culture.
Come have some fun with TAMBOURINES AND DRUMS

Pinettes start at 6:30pm sharp

Indians start immediately after The Pinettes

Feel free to bring a cow bell, tambourine, drum
or sing along and join in on the fun!

YIA Cafe’
2401 Danneel St
(corner of First & Danneel)

I was glad to see that someone came and argued this house off the list. It is always a victory when people have been afforded the ability to fight their own battles.

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

2 replies on “One saved..”

  1. That property is particularly beautiful. Hard to believe the city thinks it’s better as an empty lot than a cornerstone business.

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