
Here is what I learned about Federal Court. No cameras but cell phones are ok. The first time we went in about a year ago they confiscated our cell phones cause they thought there was going to be a riot.


“Here is the AP article.”:http://www.katc.com/Global/story.asp?S=9267724

and then a follow up after the Judge made a ruling

“Although one cannot wholeheartedly say that the city has acted with an abundance of sensitivity to the concerns of its citizens, or has even acted reliably when leadership has encountered challenges, the court is not persuaded by clear and convincing evidence that the city or the mayor have shown contempt, as opposed to incomplete compliance, for the constitutional responsibilities imposed by the consent decree,” he wrote.


Of course I beg to differ the City cry’s “this is hard” as an excuse for everything. They have handed over the process to a demolition contractor who would seem to have a conflict of interest.

The Demolition policy or lack there of is just a reinforcement of the disinvestment in the City that the leadership seems to embrace. I see no one in the Mayor’s office or the Office of Dr. Ed Blakley discussing what we can do to repopulate and reinvigorate the City, instead we have an ad hoc policy of incompetence and ignorance.

Louisiana Parkway

This house has a number of issues. first the pavement, and then the front yard parking. But what is worse is that this guy is building these same style houses all over the City here is another one

Telemachus 500 block

I reported this over a year ago and nothing happens. Why? Because the City decides the priority lies elsewhere. So developers and contractors build however and whatever they like. Why should we have faith in a City administration that has no respect for our Neighborhoods and allows the rules to be broken with total disregard for the wishes and desires of law abiding citizens.

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

4 replies on “Another Day in Federal Court”

  1. Zoning Ordinance forbids parking in the required front yard in most residentially zoned areas, and it forbids the paving of more than a certain percent of that yard. These examples violate these provisions and should never have been permitted.

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