Mrs Sartin

The only thing that saved her house from being demolished was the dumpster in front..the dumpster that was there because she was fixing her house.

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

2 replies on “Do Not Demolish”

  1. It would be clear to anyone that this house appears sound and is undergoing restoration.

    Who stands to benefit from razing this home?
    Where is this home located? It looks very much like Mid-City.

    How much of the city – our architecture AND the residents who sacrificed so very much to come back – will be lost forever as a result of city-sanctioned publicly-funded lunacy such as this?

    Let the sunshine in.

  2. I wonder if they got confused by the mass of building permits on the front door…sure the dumpster could be a roose for this woman’s diabolical plot to trick those helpful city folks but those same folks issued the permits…or DID they??????? Ok…being a smart—, but for god sakes, how much more ridiculous can this become.

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