We here at Squandered Heritage are running out of steam. The Demolition machine is out of control. Telling people they have 1 hour to come get their belongings and then demolishing under the guise of Imminent Danger of Collapse.

People who evacuated for Gustav came home and found a Executive Order which was issued by the Mayor to “streamline” the process. Instead what it did was create a wave of unchecked and hostile demolitions.

Please write to your Counsil members and ask them to halt the process until Safety and Permits merges their databases.

Stacy Head shead@cityofno.com
Jackie B. Clarkson jbclarkson@cityofno.com
Arnie Fielkow afielkow@cityofno.com
Shelley S. Midura smidura@cityofno.com
Cynthia Williard-Lewis cwlewis@cityofno.com
Cynthia H. Morrell chmorrell@cityofno.com
Ray Nagin rnagin@mayorofno.com
James Carter jcarter@cityofno.com

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

2 replies on “E Mail your local Officials”

  1. I’ve had no luck with any e-mail messages to Council members. Of the three who might be expected to take an interest (Carter, for my district, and Clarkson and Fielkow at large) in my persistent inquires as to why (after more than 3 years) the Marigny-Bywater area STILL has no full-service grocery store, only Fielkow’s office has seen fit to reply in any manner. I recieved two replies from someone in his office who claimed to be “looking into it” and have heard nothing since. The other two simply ignored me. Does no one else find it amazing that our elected officials think nothing of ignoring legitimate questions from tax-paying citizens?

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