This property was declared as such


The owner raced over here from Texas when he heard.. They have been waiting on the Road Home.

Here is what they posted on the property to protect it from demolition.


Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

4 replies on “Imminent Danger of Collapse”

  1. This whole demolition permit stuff is insane. I can’t imagine finding out your house had been put on that list without your knowledge.

  2. We need to know the name of the individual(s) declaring that a building is is imminent danger of collapse. If that person is not a structural engineer, that person is practicing engineering without a license.

    If this stooge is an engineer, there should be a review of his / her license since it appears that someone is making false statements to the city.

  3. Perhaps it’s the distortion of the camera lens, causing all those crooked lines to become straight, but it appears that you have photographed the most structural sound building in the city of New Orleans.

  4. Clark, While I was driving to this house I was worried that the owners were delusional about the state of their house.

    And there is was, a totem. Whoever built this house should get a contract from the ACOE.

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