The sites should all have water sprays while they are being demolished.

2320 New Orleans
2320 New Orleans

This was the 3rd one THIS week alone with no dust prevention.

“Read more about Gustav Gate”:

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

4 replies on “No Enviromental Protection”

  1. Reading the “Gustavgate” article (which I hope reaches many nationally), I just want to say once again, thanks, Matt, for keeping a distant eye out for us here in NOLA. This says it all:

    “This is about way more than houses. It is about citizens’ property rights. And it is about the balance of power within your government.”

    Funny that in a nation which defends its gunownership rights above so much else, homeownership can be so assaulted by one over-the-top joker of a mayor. For even those not mistakenly demolished must fear being mistakenly demolished, and who will invest in us then under such randomness?

    Nagin and those who destroy property for political purposes instead of taking down genuine Imminent Threats, most of which can be viewed by the naked (camera or human) eye as near collapse, are assaulting every level of our salability and American immigrant culture. Tourists come here from Europe because of the age and architecture of some of these structures, because of what even the humble dwelling says historically about the way America was formed and grew. Sometimes these tourists return, sometimes they stay and become of us, and sometimes they go home and tell others to invest here.

    What vision these people sheltering City Hall lack: they could have had their Miami and their business without taking out the heart of what made this Queen of the South who she was. They condemn themselves to poverty, just as they condemn the rest of us with their impoverishment of ideas.

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