Never left….

Lower 9

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

2 replies on “Still here, loitering…”

  1. I love this. I see it every day when I leave for work. Wonderful, wonderful.

    I miss home so much (yes, after just three days). Thanks for posting this.

  2. Sarah:

    I am adding to the one comment – yours – posted. I too miss N. O., very badly!

    Oddly enough, I’ve lived in NYC for the past 30 years and still do not, nor will I ever, consider myself anything other than a “resident” of The Big Apple! I AM A NEW ORLEANIAN, AND MOST PROUD OF IT!

    I try to remain abreast of all information concerning New Orleans — new media, internet media, etc. I used to live in the now demolished Lafitte P.J.’s — 6th Ward– back when it was a pleasure and not a scourge nor and insult to live in those structures (1960’s)!

    In any even, just wanted to let o know there’s a woman in The Bronx who feels a definite connect to youand your feelings 🙂

    Peace to you & Yours.


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