“link to Insitute”:

“Out “of”: “all”: the “stories”: in the “recovery”: there are none as “powerful”: as the “stories of”: “Citizens”: who “came back”: and “demanded”: more, “join”: “us”: at UNO to “hear”: our “stories”: and “tell yours”:

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

7 replies on “Come hear the real stories..”

  1. I came to this site having read the NY Times article–and in anticipation of moving to New Orleans. What important work is being done here. What a great story of citizen journalism. May I ask if there is a contact link somewhere to write to Karen Gadbois? And if it’s intentionally missing, why? It seems ominous, somehow.

  2. I was under the impression, that the good Ole
    USA, had gone down and taken care of the buildings. So this is another lie, that have been
    given to us, Oh My, what will the Whitehouse
    not, tell the remainer of the country, to get
    some TV time.The Stations should start
    chargeing like they do for communication

  3. Hey Karen, why does your website ( redirect to crappy spanish casino website??

    As an LSU grad, I came back to NOLA in 2006 to contribute to the economy and found that it was impossible for me to survive on my own financially. It will be a long time before the city can move on. In contrast, Atlanta is a blessing with affordable housing and a 70% increase in pay from what I made in NOLA (I worked for ABC26).

    A lot changes would have to occur before I (and many outsiders) would consider permanently relocating there…

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