I have started to photograph the houses on the NCDC agenda.

One of them is a NOAH house

4516.00 paid to S&A Contracting

2816 4th

Here is the “next agenda”:http://www.squanderedheritage.com/ncdc-agenda-august-18/

I will be adding photos over the next few days. So check back later.

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

9 replies on “NCDC {formerly the HCDRC}”

  1. Keep it up! We live in Detroit and are neighborhood activists since 1973 when we moved here. The only solution is for people to take matters in their own hands and not wait for someone else to take care of stuff. Thanks!

  2. Thank heavens someone is attentive enough, brave enough, angry enough, disgusted enough to SAY AND DO SOMETHING. Mayor Nagin is a terrible disappointment.

  3. Congratulations on your very hard work. I am sorry to hear of all the barriers being put in your way.

    I can’t believe what you have gone through and are continually facing. It is just not right that your own government would be acting against you, and that so many would see this as an opportunity for profit.


    I have never been to New Orleans, though we actually would have been there if things had turned out differently, right in the middle of the storm. I look forward to the opportunity to come and see the results of your efforts in the future.

    – from Winnipeg, Canada

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