Ray Nagin

If our reform Mayor is really interested in “reform”:http://www.nationalreview.com/dreher/dreher073102.asp he may want to start with NOAH.

His first stab at reform was in 2002. We are ready for another stab at Governing the City. And if C.Ray can’t do it what about “Ed Blakley”:http://www.nola.com/news/t-p/frontpage/index.ssf?/base/news-7/1165560510312270.xml&coll=1. In the report last night he said NOAH was something that was enacted before he got here. Well that is not completely true, the funding for this program came through in 2007, and he was here then, correct? The agency itself was {mis}operating before his arrival. But so was the City itself, in another words you can’t shrug off responsibility when it suits you and “take the praise when it does.”:http://www.flickr.com/photos/skeletonkrewe/sets/72157605726722561/

Look at the contracts

Watch “this report”:http://www.wwltv.com/video/news-index.html?nvid=265515&shu=1 and then tell me that this type of thing can continue?

This is by no means the only agency worth looking at. But it is, as they say,low hanging fruit.

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

4 replies on “The Buck Stops here…”

  1. Karen,

    Thank you for this exposure of Nagin’s inept hand-picked programs. I do hope the inspector general and the FBI jump on this right away. I am confident that there was probably illegal activity by those NORA contractors. Lee Zurick is one hard nosed reporter that has proven himself again.

  2. Karen, good for you! I just read the article about what you are doing in and for New Orleans. Finally, someone who is focused on doing the right thing! Keep up the good work. I really wonder what Nagin brings to the table for New Orlenas. It seems like it might be time for a change…Sara from NYC

  3. Run for Mayor of New Orleans, Karen. Please.

    Thank you for your reportage. Unfortunately, the Times-Picayune probably won’t be jogged into remembering what investigative journalism can do for a community. TP could do so much more. Too bad an outsider had to reveal what TP and locals should have revealed.

    Much good on you.

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