Today while driving down Claiborne Avenue after photographing houses slated for demolition I heard this NPR report which began.. “It has been almost 3 years since Hurricane Katrina”:…and for many of us the word since seems a poor choice.

It is still Katrina and it is Katrina everyday.

The idea that FEMA and HUD will not attend Congressional meetings together and they are just now working on an MOU to begin the process of working together leaves me stunned with the ineptitude and indifference.

There are those of you who “just moved out of your trailer”: as well as a man who died because of the “incapacity of the City to address the mental health crisis”: , it is still “Katrina everyday.”:


Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

8 replies on “everyday..”

  1. I had a dream about you last night in which I asked you if you would help me take pillows and some other supplies down to the Canal-Claiborne encampment.

  2. I like to remind people who are not from here that Katrina was a hurricane that narrowly missed New Orleans and devastated the Gulf Coast. New Orleans was devastated by systemic engineering failure. The failures of 8/29 continue to this day.

  3. Yes, I knoooow what you mean. HUD says that they just don’t have the cash to repair the remaining public housing either. Pretty hard squeeze.
    I noticed today that Robert’s won their insurance suit for storm damage. I don’t know if you could class the human-inflicted damage during the flood (to the one where we went to “make groceries” at Elysian Fields and St. Claude) within the parameters of “Act of God” or what.

  4. Why have people stopped talking about Media in the US being complacent with helping the Bush Administration with the DESTRUCTION of the America in order to enrich Corporations who in turn enriched the RNC.

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