With all the destruction and loss in New Orleans it was nice to see these 2 pieces of History sitting next to each other in the salvage yard.

A door from “C.J.Peete”:http://www.asergeev.com/pictures/archives/compress/2006/496/10.htm and a Cupboard from the “Wilson School”:http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=10228892

Wilson School salvage

Hopefully they will stay here in New Orleans a find another use.

I found this tucked into one of the drawers.

Wilson School salvage

Some schools will be reduced to rubble and bits and pieces there is a lot of hope that more can be saved, “Francine Stock”:http://xxno.blogspot.com/2008/06/new-orleans-nine.html has been doing some incredible work. Last week “she”:http://xxno.blogspot.com/2008/06/mapsquared.html and Alan from “thinknola”:http://thinknola.com/ went to California to present at the “Net Squared”:http://www.netsquared.org/conference Conference. They presented a strong case for the need for meaningful citizen owned recovery mapping.

A friend of mine told me that after World War Two many towns in Germany hired City employees to photograph and record every building and created a historical archive of the rebuilding. That kind of backward looking sounds so forward thinking right now.

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

3 replies on “Bits and Pieces of History”

  1. Wow, I’m not sure if the 2nd picture is more symbolic for the word itself, or because that was a key word the kids were learning to spell. Great post.

  2. The word fight is just too appropriate to be found in the midst of such tremendous waste.

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