Last month we walked with the Mardi Gras Indians by the landscape of change.

With all the talk of the buildings coming down I found little discussion of the impact of “changing the public space”:http://www.nola.com/news/t-p/elie/index.ssf?/base/news-0/1208323471243710.xml&coll=1, and what that means for future walks through the City. “I found this lecture series very interesting”:http://www.invisibleinstitute.com/conference
In it they discuss the reconfiguration of public space and what that means for “8 blocks in Chicago”:http://www.thecha.org/housingdev/stateway_gardens.html. “I found this article from 2003”:http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/1117/p03s01-uspo.html which seems to suggest that the plans for Stateway would set policy for the rest of Public Housing nationwide. This “map”:http://www.communitywalk.com/labor_trail/map/5258#0003KXi illustrates a little of what I am talking about.
The buildings may be gone but who was there before will continue to struggle with identity and place.