On Monday at the HCDRC meeting a representative from the City Attorneys Office came in with 20 properties NOT on the agenda.

These properties are requests for demolition that came in through the City. There seems to be no interface between the HCDRC Commitee and the City itself. The fact that the Commitee heard and approved a demolition that was previously heard and denied, is in direct opposition to the Municipal Code.

“In addition Matt McBride has been analyzing the data from City Hall, it is very depressing.”:http://thinknola.com/post/hcdrc-nov-26-agenda/

4167-69 Orleans Avenue

*4167-69 Orleans Ave.*

The City has a backlog of Demolition requests that must filter through the HDLC or HCDRC, yet several commitee members had not even received the packets for review.

How will Neighborhoods know when a property is up for demolition if it is not advertised? All the work and efforts of the various Neighborhood Organizations is futile and meaningless if we allow this kind of sloppy review process to continue.


2139 Almonaster St. APPROVED Voluntary FEMA funded demolition of an Arts & Crafts single shotgun.

1505-07 Baronne St. “DEFERRED”:http://squanderedheritage.wikispaces.com/1503.Baronne.Street 2 WEEKS Voluntary FEMA funded demolition of a raised double Arts & Crafts shotgun.

1513-15 Baronne St. DEFERRED 2 WEEKS Voluntary FEMA funded demolition of a raised Bracket Style single shotgun.

4129-31 Thalia St. ALREADY COLLAPSED Voluntary FEMA funded demolition of a double Arts and Crafts shotgun.

3115 Metropolitan St. APPROVED Voluntary FEMA funded demolition of a single-family, post WWII cottage.

8722 Belfast St. APPROVED Voluntary FEMA funded demolition of a single-family slab-on-grade house.

6311 Marais St. APPROVED Voluntary FEMA funded demolition of a double shotgun Arts & Crafts style home.

4167-69 Orleans Ave. “APPROVED”:http://squanderedheritage.wikispaces.com/4167.Orleans.Avenue Voluntary FEMA funded demolition. This application was originally heard 9/10/07 and was denied (3-4) based on the stable condition and lack of redevelopment plan. This structure is a double Arts & Crafts style shotgun.*

3914 Third St . Approved This non-descript commercial building had been declared an Imminent Health Threat by the City.

3931 Third St . Approved This non-descript cinder block commercial building had been declared an Imminent Health Threat by the City.

2259 Agriculture St. – Approved This double Arts & Crafts style shotgun had been declared an Imminent Health Threat by the City.

8400-02 Belfast St. “DEFERRED”:http://squanderedheritage.wikispaces.com/8400.Belfast.Street request to demolish a double Arts & Crafts style shotgun.

8404-06 Belfast St. “DEFERRED”:http://squanderedheritage.wikispaces.com/8404.Belfast.Street request to demolish a double Arts & Crafts style shotgun.

3505-07 Broadway Approved This Arts & Crafts style home has been declared an Imminent Health Threat by the City.

3215 Clouet St. Approved This post-WWII cottage has been declared an Imminent Health Threat by the City.

3122 Clouet St. Approved This non-descript cottage has been declared an Imminent Health Threat by the City.

3406 Clouet St. Approved This church has been declared an Imminent Health Threat by the City.

9204 Colapissa St. APPROVED Voluntary FEMA funded demolition of an Arts & Crafts single shotgun.

2635 Desire St. APPROVED Voluntary FEMA funded demolition of an Arts & Crafts cottage.

NOLA Municipal Code

Sec. 26-3 Housing conservation district.

Sec. 26-7 Procedure.

(c) Appeals… After denial, no new application for a demolition permit may be filed for the same building within one year of the original application.

Source: http://www.municode .com/Resources/ gateway.asp? pid=10040&sid=18

Karen Gadbois co-founded The Lens. She now covers New Orleans government issues and writes about land use. With television reporter Lee Zurik she exposed widespread misuse of city recovery funds and led...

3 replies on “HCDRC Broken beyond belief”

  1. Why can’t I find the owners name on the assessor’s database? Is there a tax bill number I can use? I want to know who owns that nice house.

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