We, as citizens have made great strides in the last 2 years, we elected a City Council, which for the most part has “challenged”:http://ashleymorris.typepad.com/ashley_morris_the_blog/2007/08/look-to-the-fut.html our Federal Government and “demanded”:http://www.nola.com/news/t-p/frontpage/index.ssf?/base/news-23/1188368639232970.xml&coll=1 more from our local City Officials. We can be proud of those attempts.
Our seemingly slow progress has been made more difficult by the “Mayor”:http://blog.nola.com/times-picayune/2007/08/nagin_calls_nos_dangerous_imag.html who uses language and metaphor that makes the crisis in this City seem like an outtake from a Sitcom.
On this Anniversary I celebrate our individual accomplishments in this City and thank the endless stream of volunteers who suffer not from Katrina fatigue, but from Katrina Compassion.