Housing Conservation District Review Committee
Meeting Agenda
January 8, 2007
10 a.m., Room 7E07 City Hall
*RESULTS DEFERRED* to give time for a conversation between Neighbors and the Developer.
3613-19 Cambronne St.
3621-27 Cambronne St.
8323-29 Palm Street
8333-39 Palm St.
8322-28 Stroelitz St.
8332-38 Stroelitz St.
Applicant Justin Schmidt has applied for owner University Properties LLC to demolish six four-plex structures to be replaced with a 48-unit residential apartment building.

I spoke to a number of interested Neighbors who are opposed to higher density here.
There are about 20 or so of this type of 4 plex. The design is very compatiable with the Neighborhood. The next photo shows a unit that has been repaired.