This building was probably approved for demolition through a City Planning Commission hearing for rezoning, this releases the owner from any other committee reviews. The fact that no salvage was done is wrong. The owner claims to have an architecture degree from Tulane. The following photos link to flckr but to see this set, please look at the Thanksgiving Demo Set.
Addendum November 26, 2006: Below is the demolition permit applied for by the owner from VelocityHall. It is discredulous as a Katrina damage application. We have seen some exaggeration regarding damage claims as a reason for demolition. This building had MINOR roof damage. No mitigation of asbestos shingles was adhered to in this demolition, normally done under The Louisiana Dept. of Envronmental Quality requirements.

I was at the Racetrack talking to Willie White when we got a 911 call from Maryann Miller, who was on her way to the track, when she happened upon this demo. She went to the office, all demo permits were in place. I couldn’t get out of the grandstand fast enough to help her out. She was working with a tiny camera and had been there for a while, her batteries and storage were done. Maryann made calls to the owner for salvaging of 1920’s elements but efforts were unsuccessful. At one point, the president of the Touro Bouligny Neighborhood Assoc. was on the phone with the owner regarding that fact that a parking LOT is not going to be allowed, a parking structure will be required per the permitted plan. The irony is that the owner claims to have a degree in architecture from TULANE. We are investigating further. No architectural graduate would fail to salvage these elements at the very least, it’s the law.
Case / Application / Permit Number 06COM-02272
Type / Classification Permits
Demolition / NA
Address 3601 PRYTANIA ST
Parcel Number 614226507-0000
File Date 9/28/2006
Status Permit Issuance Active
Status Date 9/28/2006
Valuation $0.00
Fees $275.00
Payments $275.00
Balance $0.00
Description Demolition of hurricane damaged single residential unit. Contractor to remove and dispose of all debris within 72 hours and to have a final inspection of the site. A licensed plumber must secure a separate permit from the Sewage and Water Board to cap off sewer lines and remove water meters prior to demolition.
View Map (Click the “Back” button on the browser to return to Permit Manager.)
Application Specific Information
Existing use Multi-Family Dwelling (Three Units & Above)
Plan Review Required No
Sketch Attached No
Plans Attached No
Name Vaughan Contractors, Inc.
Business Vaughan Contractors, Inc.
Relationship RESIDENT
Phone N/A
Historical License # N/A
Social Security Number N/A
Cell Phone N/A
Business Phone N/A
Pager N/A
Resident Status Number N/A
Resident Status Expiration Date N/A
Name N/A
Business Vaughan Contractors, Inc.
Relationship Applicant – ———-
Phone N/A
Business Phone N/A
Cell Phone N/A
Pager N/A
Business N/A
Relationship Owner
Phone N/A
Type of Ownership N/A

After this painful part was over, I spotted this millwork at the base of the giant pile and asked the demo man if he’d get it for me. He did. These pieces weigh about 40 lbs. They usually pop out unharmed, I knew enough to look after the dust settled and sure enough, there it was. It’s about all you can do when you feel completely helpless. It would have been buried and crushed and hauled to the dump. As Karen said, “calamity knows no holiday”.

This area did not flood.
Address: 3601 Prytania St
Owner: Llc Burgundy-Prytania
Tax Bill: 614226507
Property Description: Sq 376 Lot A Prytania And Foucher 62X69 3601-05 Prytania & 1504 Fouc Her St 3-Sty-B-Comm File #81913 3/01 Tran/Wop
Planning District: Central City/Garden District
Flood Zone: A1
Damage Assessment
Estimated Flood Depth: 0.5
Flood Duration (days): 2
Damage Report: Unavailable