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Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

'Doubt is an open door, it's a dynamic process."

I was listening to NPR this morning and heard this interview with “John Patrick Shanley”: It made me wonder if the forces behind the demolition of a New Orleans neighborhood have any doubt. At another point in the interview he say’s “certainty is a closed door” So there it is on the “front page of […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Who is Pincus Freidman? or Friedman

I have been reading a bit about the land aquisition in the LSU/VA footprint. The name Pincus Freidman comes up but trying to research him is a seeming dead end. This “is”: about all you can find in a regular Google search. Perhaps he is the “Keyser Soze”: of real estate. It seems that someone […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

David's House

There will be a “report on WDSU tonight”: regarding the sidewalk. From what I have heard the City is planning on having them remove the entire length of the sidewalk and if they do not the City wil replace it and charge them for the replacement cost. I assume this means if there is a […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

When is a public meeting not public?

I guess the answer would be “when they say so”: So while Governor Jindal “met” with “President Elect Obama”: the public was refused entrance to a public meeting. It never ceases to amaze me that the public can be held in such disregard. What are they trying to hide? Access to a pubic meeting of […]