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Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage

Crime and Punishment

TASK FORCE BLASTS NOPD LEADERSHIP – ‘SHOCKING’ LACK OF TRAINING Times-Picayune, The (New Orleans, LA)-June 4, 1994 Many of the report’s conclusions echoed observations already uncovered by the media, harped on by council members and emphasized by blue-ribbon panels: Abysmal morale, a department that can’t keep its patrol cars operating, a bloated staff that puts […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage


Good news for “Shushan Airport”: Especially considering yesterdays “New York Times piece”: about the demolition of many of the WPA projects. The details of this building are very significant to the period. the “Enrique Alferez”: details are a real standout. And the series of murals are breathtaking. It has the potential to be a magnificent […]

Posted inSquandered Heritage Vintage


Just like that your neighborhood becomes a footprint, an outline, lower Mid City is about to become a shovel ready for the LSU VA complex. So the questions remain, is this the done deal they say it is or will the “lack of funds torpedo”: the LSU component. Will we see the cultural institutions such […]